Suositushinta 92,00 €
75,90 €
Ilm. toim. yli 49€ ost. yht.
Erinomainen tuote, toimii parhaiten seerumin kanssa. Imeytyy nopeasti ja iho on pehmeä ja kimmoisa. Miellyttävä koostumus ja tuoksu
tuote: 30689
A medium-light moisturizing emollient but with built-in UV protection that protects against the fundamental causes of skin aging. Contains patented polypeptides, glucosamine and soy proteins that stimulate collagen synthesis, strengthen the skin's antioxidative protection against free radicals and prevent skin aging. Improves the skin's elasticity and shine. Suitable for mature or prematurely aged skin. Developed without artificial fragrances and colors.