Suositushinta 18,12 €
13,90 €
Ilm. toim. yli 49€ ost. yht.
tuote: 122669
Varmista, että Burt’s Bees® Mama Soothing Nipple Cream -nännivoide on osa sinun raskauden jälkeistä ihonhoitorutiiniasi. Koostumukseltaan 100% luonnollinen salva sisältää kookopähkinää, kehäkukkaa ja E-vitamiinia, jotka rauhoittavat nännin ihoa imetyksen jälkeen. An essential for hospital bags for labor and delivery, this Burt’s Bees® nipple cream provides moisturization to help and during breastfeeding. Soothing for mama and safe for baby, this 100% natural origin blend does not need to be removed before breastfeeding. As a leader in natural skin care, Burt’s Bees® is proud to practice responsible sourcing and never tests on animals, so you can feel good about using our products. To use, simply apply a pea size amount to entire nipple area after each feed or more often if required for relief from dry skin due to breastfeeding. Discover more after birth essentials for mom with the whole Burt’s Bees® Mama collection.